Everyday Words are Math Words

What do empty, full, same, and different have in common? They are all concepts you can teach using math talk. Learn how to teach your child to name math concepts they encounter in their play and as they explore the world. Much of what children experience in their daily activities, like drinking a glass of juice or spilling a glass of milk, can be linked to higher level math ideas of full and empty. Turn spilt milk into a math experience. Repeating the words to accompany their experiences prepares children for success in math at school and in life.
Our workbook, The Gift of Math: Twelve Math Conversation Starters for Parents and Young Children is based on recent research about how babies and toddlers learn Math Talk. It is available for pre-order from Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Release date August 28. Learn more about the book, The Gift of Math: Twelve Math Conversation Starters for Parents and Young Children at www.talktomemama.com or www.Facebook.com/talktomemama and check in with our partner www.playsmartliteracy.org.