Episode 74: Innovative Early Education Outreach that Actually Reaches the Children - Play Smart Literacy (With Michelle Dineen-White & Talmage Steele)
Michele Dinneen-White was working in an early education outreach program when she realized something. The program wasn’t actually...
Math Talk Age 0-5 More and Same
When toddlers play, they grapple with complicated math concepts like more and same. A child’s playtime is the perfect time for parents...
Pass on the Joy of Math
We invite teachers and parents to join a pre-school/home collaboration that will bring joy to a lifetime of learning math. All it takes...
Ignite Your Toddler's Love for Math
During children’s imaginary play is a great time for parents to throw a little math learning on the fun. As children play, they...
Give Our Children the Words They will Need to Save the Planet
Scientists predict that in 2050 nine major cities will be under water due to climate change (think New York, Los Angeles, Singapore)....
Math is Everywhere - Math Talk Prepares Toddlers for the World
Parents who talk about big ideas in math prepare their children to do well in school and at home. What are big math ideas? Math is more...
Make Home-School Connections With Math Talk Conversations
Invite parents to explore the meanings of the word “more” at home while their children explore the math of more at school. Give families...
Rote Learning Is Not the Same as Understanding
What is the same about 5 fingers and 5 spoons? The quantity or number of them. This is a truly difficult concept to get. It is an...
Jellybean Talk & Play for Spring
In Chicago winter can defy spring with its tradition of one last snowstorm to bury the first yellow daffodils to decide to bloom. That is...
Count on More Math Talk in 2023
Make mathematical words like count have a more important role in your child’s play in 2023. Math Talk is hard to learn, but babies show...