Math Talk Age 0-5 More and Same
When toddlers play, they grapple with complicated math concepts like more and same. A child’s playtime is the perfect time for parents...

Pass on the Joy of Math
We invite teachers and parents to join a pre-school/home collaboration that will bring joy to a lifetime of learning math. All it takes...

Ignite Your Toddler's Love for Math
During children’s imaginary play is a great time for parents to throw a little math learning on the fun. As children play, they...

Invite Parent Literacy Leaders to Repeat Key School Words at Home
If children must hear and use a new word 24 times before 80% of them can remember it, teachers will need help making sure special words...

Math is Everywhere - Math Talk Prepares Toddlers for the World
Parents who talk about big ideas in math prepare their children to do well in school and at home. What are big math ideas? Math is more...

Make Home-School Connections With Math Talk Conversations
Invite parents to explore the meanings of the word “more” at home while their children explore the math of more at school. Give families...

How to Teach Math the Short Way
Nature provides babies with millions of neurons for learning math. However, nature depends on parents and families to identify and name...

Everyday Words are Math Words
What do empty, full, same, and different have in common? They are all concepts you can teach using math talk. Learn how to teach your...

Jump Start Your Baby’s Math Brain
Children are born with the capacity to understand abstract math ideas like “more.” When you talk about more milk, more applesauce or more...

Teach Children That the World is Organized through Math Play
What is Math Talk? Math is more than numbers. It is an abstract way of solving problems. Math uses patterns, measurement, logic and order...