Count on More Math Talk in 2023

Make mathematical words like count have a more important role in your child’s play in 2023. Math Talk is hard to learn, but babies show up interested early. One of the first words children understand after the word dadda is the word more. More is about quantity – a mathematical concept. Children in families that say a lot of math words find it easier straight through school.
Teach your child math concepts as they encounter them in their play. It can be short.
So make school easier for your children. Give them The Gift of Math: Twelve Conversations for Parents and Young Children. Recent research has discovered that the amount and complexity of a toddler’s Math Talk is the most important indicator of that child’s future school success.
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Our workbook, The Gift of Math: Twelve Math Conversation Starters for Parents and Young Children is based on recent research about how babies and toddlers learn Math Talk. It is available for pre-order from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookbaby, and Walmart.