Check in on the Community Playthings website
Their February 2017 post had wonderful open-ended questions (see below). Open-ended questions do not quiz or test. They are conversation starters because the asker wants to know what the child thinks.
Can you tell me why you’re angry? or, Do you know why you’re angry?
Is there some way I can help you feel better?
How can I help you remember?
Do you need help with that?
What can we do so that everyone playing in the block area is happy?
What can you both do to make this work out?
What’s another way to play so that no one gets hurt?
Do you need to stay sad/angry for a while?
You seem to be angry. Am I right about that?
You seem to be sad. Am I right about that?
Would you like a hug?
Do you need more time?
Would you like to do that by yourself?
What would you like to happen now?
We have two kinds of drinks. Which would you like?
What can I do to help?
May I switch your shoes to the right feet/wipe your nose/write your name on the paper/take your picture?
I need to change your diaper now, are you ready?
Do you need more materials to complete that collage?
Should we place your sculpture here to dry and continue tomorrow?
What can we do about making sure you get to the toilet in time?
What can you do to remember to wash your hands before eating?
I see that you are upset. Can you tell me why?